Essence: The details apart, our goal is simple: To help every women rise to her highest potential while pursuing her purpose and profits. We work hard to uplift and support.
This is also a humble attempt is to build community , connection and collaboration among Indian Women Entrepreneurs
What is a Mastermind?
“A mastermind alliance involves two or more people who work in perfect harmony for the attainment of a definite
Why does the principle hold water?
Napolean Hill , the author of “Think and Grow Rich” has elaborated the undeniable power of master minds in a whole chapter dedicated to this principle. Hill studied 500 self-made millionaires and found that they all knowingly or unknowingly tapped into the power of masterminds to achieve success.”
Through a mastermind alliance you:
- May borrow and use the education, experience, influence, and the capital of other people.
- Can accomplish in one year more than you could accomplish without it in a lifetime
- Can draw freely upon the spiritual forces within you.
- Can have absolute protection against failure if your purpose is beneficial to all whom you influence “
How – Modus Operandi
- Members meet online or in-person on a regular basis at a regular cadence – biweekly or monthly
- At least one in-person meeting every quater. Unlimited meetings in smaller groups
- In every Meeting, a few members can decide to go on the hot seat to discuss the most burning challenge or an idea or strategy
- Members who are from different areas of expertise offer their advise, tips and suggestions to the person in the hot seat
- Most meetings at the offices of our members, restaurants or rooms at community centres
- Meetings will be outdoors in the summer
The person in the hot seat now has several different perspectives as opposed to a single one.
Key Values:
1. Sharing Skills and Expertise -Learning and Growth
Every meeting includes a short workshop on a relevant topic ,as requested by members
2. Accountability
3. Adding Value for Others – Connection
4.Spiritual Component
In Think and Grow Rich, Hill argues that there’s another benefit to masterminds. According to Hill, when two or more minds come together in a spirit of harmony, they open themselves up to what he calls Infinite Intelligence. According to Hill, “No two minds ever come together without, thereby, creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind.”
This Infinite Intelligence is like a powerful intuition, or a wise advisor. By opening yourself up to it (that is, by being an active part of the mastermind), you’ll naturally find yourself getting better ideas than you thought possible.
This where the master mind principle comes closest to Indian spiritualism.
In our scriptures, in Ramayana, Ram masterminded with Hanuman and Sugriva to save Sita and Arjun masterminded with Lord Krishna to tap into the ultimate “infinite Intelligence” that led him to win the Mahabharat war.
Additional perks through the
- Positive, uplifting , supportive environment
- First right to refusal for event sponsorships at our major events
- Discounts( 15 to 25 %) on event sponsorships
- Free listing in the business directory by spring of 2024
- Networking within your group and occasionally with all other mastermind groups we run
- Free workshops on relevant topics , run on demand by members
- Expertise of each member – digital, coaching, retail, finance, child care, aesthetics
- Accountability
- Deep connections – It’s not about what you know. It is who you know.
- Meaningful conversations – Conversations are the greatest source of knowledge, inspiration and transformation
- Surprise bonuses.
Fee : $9.99 +HST per month or $100 +HST for the full year
Payment methods will be shared once the groups are formed - Note : This is one low price for a lot! See Why below
- Most masterminds cost $25 per month
- Most networking meetings cost $15 to $50 per meeting
- Workshops range in pricing form $20 to $20
- Add to this directory listing, event ticket and event sponsorship discounts and the value exceed 100 plus dollars a month
What is this not?
1. Referral group -There is no pressure to give business to members. Business happens organically between members when they connect
1.Non judgmental advice
2.Focussed Conversations : Our mastermind are agenda-driven and we ensure we do not steer away from business talk
3.Give-first attitude
4.Expertise sharing
5.Alignment to common goals