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White Suit Red Saree – A Mini-Conference for Professional Indo-Canadian women

Who is this event for?

If you are looking for an event that
** Helps you build new business and corporate connections
** Gives a boost to your job search if you are in the job market or new to Canada.
** Offers mentorship and giveback opportunities to successful women
** Inspires wholistic, balanced success through real-life transformational fitness stories
** Inspires a growth mindset
** And is fun and unforgettable in many ways

.. then this event is for you :

Our Powerhouse of speakers

Excited to announce the incredible panel for our “White Suit, Red Saree” mini-conference!
???? Meet these powerhouse women leading the way in the corporate world:
????‍???? Anita Mehta – Managing Director, Operational Risks, BMO
????‍???? Mansha Monga – Managing Partner, Spaulding Ridge
????‍???? Sanchari Sen Rai – CEO, ECC Hive, and one of Canada’s top 100 powerful women
????‍???? Neelima Mangal – Senior tech exec, Forbes Council and MIT Sloan CIO Member and author of “Climb, Lead, Succeed” ????‍???? Madhavee Daptardar – Head of PMO, Livingston International.

This is just one panel

What to expect at the event?

The event takes place at the beautiful Palacio Banquet Hall in Mississauga. It’s still a relatively intimate event of about 140 attendees

We will begin with some ice breaker games and networking in small groups, followed by some inspiring talks that are sure to take the energy up a notch. A sumptuous dinner will follow in the sheltered seating area as we get ready for a keynote fireside chat. We will then have a few more talks  and some more socializing and connecting! Come with a warm heart and a beautiful smile and you are  sure to walk away with a lot.

What is this event about?

This event essentially brings all professional Indo-Canadian Women from the west-end of the Toronto under one roof . Whether you are an accomplished corporate leader who wants to give back, a new Canadian looking for work; an established entrepreneur or a budding innovator, we have created this umbrella platform to bring professional women  together to network, and connect. We hope this platform not only fosters connection but also helps achieve holistic success, building on the pillars of care, culture and careers.

Audience profile

The avatar of the expected audience is an upwardly mobile, professional woman in the age group of 30 – 50 with a growing family. We are expecting a highly targeted audience with a key goal of fostering connections and networking.

Why network with Indians while we are socializing and integrating with all Canadians?

Several reasons why community specific events should be encouraged while we continue to integrate with the larger Canadian societies.

1. Human beings have an innate need to connect with those that a familiar. Here in Canada, as we build new relationships with new communities, we hanker to stay connected with our roots. .
While staying connected with our roots helps us stay grounded and authentic, building new relationships enrich our experience and help us become empathetic and kind.Both are just as important to lead balanced lives

2. Mentorship works the best  when you learn  from your own kind .It’s inspiring to know that someone from similar roots as yours has walked through the journey you are about to embark on. Your struggles and challenges may not be exactly the same but the similarity of culture and sometimes, language adds an extra dimension to the connection and mentorship..

3. Our culture similarities often help us understand each other and empathize with each other easily and so. Most communities do businesses within their own community due to the sheer ease of doing business, baring some exceptions.
While in Canada, integration with all communities is high recommended,

Why White Suits Red Saree , first and foremost, speaks to the Indo-Canadian aspect of our being. The Canadian flag colours are red and white. The transition from sarees, which is still a popular corporate attire in India ( though suits are quite prevalent too) to suits, speaks to the transition of new Canadians coming from India.

Last but not the least, the red and white theme speaks to the brand identity The Inspired Indian. Red is considered a sacred colour in India and in the modern era it’s also a colour of fire and motivation.

All the symbolism apart, we loved the fact that our target audience loved the name and were intrigued by this one-of-its-kind event taking place in the Indian community in Canada.

The theme is symbolic. The dress code is business casual



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